Our Services

Facial Plastic Surgeries

  • Using our surgical technique, we lift but do not overly pull or stretch skin or deeper tissues. This keeps contours natural, avoiding a wind-swept, obviously “done” look.

  • A surgical procedure that improves and enhances the appearance of the neck area. We remove excess skin and fat, tighten the skin and underlying muscles, and restore jawline contours. While less invasive procedures can target these problems to some degree, when there is a significant amount of extra loose skin, only a surgical procedure can restore contour most effectively and naturally.

  • The upper lid blepharoplasty is a safe outpatient surgical procedure for improving heavy upper eyelids. Through a strategically placed incision, this technique involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue that weigh down the eyelid. Because this incision is placed in the natural contour of the upper eyelid, the incision is camouflaged after healing.

  • The lower eyelid blepharoplasty procedure helps reduce lower eyelid bags. This technique involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue through an incision made just under the lower lash line or inside the lower eyelid. It may be combined with a canthopexy to tighten the lid further, if needed.

Laser Treatments

  • Laser skin resurfacing with the Fractional Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Laser is one of the most effective procedures to improve skin quality and texture, while reducing fine and moderately deep lines. Because CO2 laser resurfacing relies on stimulating collagen synthesis, results are very impressive and more natural appearing than when relying on injectable fillers alone.

  • This is one of the most popular, go-to devices to offer global improvement in skin texture, tone, and fine lines on the face, neck, chest, and hands. By removing surface skin damage, it treats photoaging, fine lines, poor texture, and acne scarring.

  • There is no better device for removing tattoos and pigment than our new PiQo4 (pee-ko-4) picosecond laser! It uses a precise combination of high power output and four wavelength to target nine of the most common tattoo ink colors and various brown discolorations on the skin.

  • This is a permanent method for reducing unwanted hair on the face, back, stomach, under arms, bikini area, and legs. Because hair grows in cycles, a series of laser sessions is needed for best results. After each treatment, most patients see an approximate 20% decrease in hair reduction.

  • We provide a gold standard treatment for broken capillaries using laser therapy. Laser treatments are safe, easy, and effective at providing excellent and often long-term results.

  • This treatment targets pigmentation and discoloration on the face, neck, chest, arms, back and hands caused by sun damage, melasma, and post inflammatory discolorations from acne. With this treatment, we are able to tackle a wide range of pigment shades and it is effective for removing everything from tattoos to birthmarks to discolored scars.

  • This is our most gentle resurfacing laser and it is effective in treating and preventing early signs of aging. This non-invasive factional laser affects only a fraction of the skin, leaving healthy, undamaged cells to heal and rejuvenate afterward. Safe and beneficial for all skin types.

  • Regeneo is a completely natural combination of regenerative factors used to maximize skin rejuvenation. It is harvested from your own blood using precision German technology which isolates the highest concentrations of platelets and growth factors available on the market. Regeneo can be applied to the skin after many laser and microneedling procedures, as well as injected into the skin with or without traditional soft tissue fillers.


  • Similar to Botox, Dysport is used to target horizontal forehead lines, squint lines (crow’s feet), and scowl lines (“angry 11s”).

  • Botox Cosmetic or “Botox” is an FDA-approved injectable solution that acts to relax muscles and reduce wrinkles. It takes 2-7 days to reduce muscle movement, and typically lasts between 3-4 months. Muscle movement gradually returns as effects wane. Repeat treatments every 3-4 months helps soften the lines most effectively.

  • Jeuveau is a new drug approved by the FDA for the temporary improvement of moderate to severe facial lines caused by the movement of certain muscles. It is made with the same botulinum toxin Type A that is in Botox.

  • Restylane, Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refyne, and Restylane Defyne are all soft tissue fillers made up of hyaluronic acid gel. This water molecule network gives the skin a plump appearance and helps cushion deeper structures.

  • This is a soft tissue filler made up of hyaluronic acid gel. It is most often used in the lips or to fill lines in the lower face. It typically lasts 6-9 months.

  • Radiesse is a soft tissue filler gel containing very fine calcium hydroylapatite crystals. These crystals are identical in composition to the mineral portion of bone and teeth, so your body recognizes them as natural. When injected into the skin, Radiesse provides some immediate wrinkle correction, but over time, it actually stimulates your body to make more collagen.

  • Sculptra Aesthetic is more than a filler; it’s a volumizer. Unlike hyaluronic acid fillers that provide temporary improvement in the appearance of lines and wrinkles, Sculptra is an anti-aging treatment that works to address volume loss that underlies facial aging.

  • Antiperspirants are considered the first line of treatment for excessive sweating of the underarms, hands, and feet. They are the least invasive treatment option for hyperhidrosis and we often recommend that they be tried first before other more invasive treatments. If topical prescription strength antiperspirants fail, injections with Botox or Dysport may dramatically reduce your sweating in these sensitive areas.

  • Sclerotherapy is a safe method for reducing uncomplicated spider veins and slightly larger bluish-green veins on the legs. It is not meant to treat painful, large varicose veins. Although some vessels may disappear immediately, other may continue to shrink down and disappear over the next several weeks. Often, more than one session is recommended for best results.

Scar Improvement

  • Scars tend to improve on their own as they mature (about 12-18 months), but, signs that a scar is worsening or not healing appropriately may require intervention before this time. We will discuss the best approach for your scars and give you realistic expectations on what can be achieved with our state-of-the-art technologies.

  • Resurfacing lasers drill microscopic holes in damaged skin. This removes superficial damage and stimulates a wound healing response that ultimately tightens and smoothens the skin.

  • Dermabrasion is a technique that can help flatten scars that are raised. Prior to the procedure, your scar and surrounding skin will be numbed. A sterile meshed tool is then gently rubbed over the scar until a desired contour is reached. Most patients heal within a week.

  • It is an FDA – cleared and safe treatment that combines two proven nonsurgical treatments to tighten the skin, improve skin tone and texture, treat acne scarring, and smooth fine lines and wrinkles with minimal downtime or discomfort.

Aesthetician Menu

  • Regular facials are an excellent way to improve skin texture and keep skin looking its best. Our licensed medical aesthetician offers multiple DNA EGF Repair facials designed to maximize skin care beyond standard antioxidant treatments. Our facials focus on anti-aging, lightening hyperpigmentation, and clearing acne-prone skin. We will help you select a series most appropriate for your skin concerns.

  • The Eclipse Micropen can be used for improving both facial scars and fine lines. The pen glides over the treatment area and uses very fine needles to create microscopic channels in the skin. These channels create a controlled wound healing response, which leads to collagen regeneration and ultimately scar improvement.

  • The hand rejuvenation specialists will evaluate your needs and create a treatment plan that addresses all of your goals safely and effectively. One or a combination of fillers may be used to plump the skin, adding back volume to hide veins, and protruding tendons and bones.

  • Cellular MD is a science-backed bio-advanced skincare line focused on preserving and restoring health to your skin. We provide both topical and oral supplements to help your beauty truly radiate from the inside out.

Hormone Therapy

  • Skin tightening, age prevention and improved quality of life with Bio-Identical Hormones. Do you want to look younger? Do you want to be healthy, vital, alert and active as you age? There are many age reversing benefits of hormone replacement. We’ll discuss and review your personalized Bio Identical Hormone Program together and design a plan to optimize your health.

  • During menopause, your estrogen levels fall. HRT (also known as hormone therapy, menopausal hormone therapy, and estrogen replacement therapy) is the most effective treatment for menopause symptoms. The Bio Identical Hormones program is different than synthetic hormonal plans which may increase cancer risks.

  • If you’re looking for relief from andropause symptoms, understanding the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help you decide whether it’s right for you. The primary goal of testosterone treatment is to keep levels within a normal range and testosterone can be given in several different forms


  • This is a new device that provides patients with sagging skin, loose underlying muscles and/or excess fat accumulation in the face and neck, a minimally invasive treatment option. It is an advanced technique combining skin laxity treatment and fat remodeling for patients who are not yet ready for, or not interested in, more invasive procedure such as a facelift, but are looking for comparable results.

  • Pelleve uses radiofrequency energy to precisely heat the deeper layers of your skin without damaging its surface. When these deep layers are heated, it causes collagen, a key component of the skin’s healthy support structure, to contract. This contraction both increases skin tightness and causes skin cells to produce more collagen. The new collagen helps replace what age has degraded, improving overall tightness and smoothing wrinkles.

  • This is an FDA – cleared and safe treatment that combines two proven nonsurgical treatments to tighten the skin, improve skin tone and texture, treat acne scarring, and smooth fine lines and wrinkles with minimal downtime or discomfort. Over a series of treatments, the skin becomes smoother and firmer. Because collagen has been remodeled, results are long-lasting.

  • Vanquish uses radiofrequency energy to specifically heat a targeted fat zone. After absorbing heat, the treated fat cells undergo a process of self-death called apoptosis. They are then absorbed by your lymphatic system, processed in the liver, and excreted in urine. Because the fat cells are eliminated, fat removal is permanent.